Women's Sport

Science and creativity help our clients and brands find fresh opportunities that propel Women’s Sports forwards. ​

A woman's football player with a ball
By being more courageous we can make a difference, quicker

Our proven track record and scientific approach will help brands and organisations solve business problems that also drive positive change in Women’s Sport. We offer end-to-end services from strategy, partnership consultancy, creative, content and production, digital, PR, and activation at a grassroots level to measurement and evaluation. ​

woman's sport is
its own world

From the  way it’s played to the way fans engage.   Our psychology-led HumanValues(TM) approach and proven track record  help us pinpoint opportunities for our clients that also allow Women’s Sports  communities to carve out their own path.​

Rebecca Sowden

Women’s Sports Director​

Speaker, influencer, former New Zealand footballer and established force for change, Rebecca supercharges the team as we advocate for sponsors to take bold action to fast-track Women's Sport to its rightful place.

India Thompson

Women’s Sports Director​

Life-long sports fan and player, India’s relentless spirit and expertise of all things Women’s Sport transforms the WeAreFearless team, spurring everyone to be involved.

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