UEFA Europa League VS

UEFA had a problem; A third of the social conversation about the tournament was negative. So we tackled the problem head on.

A multi-channel campaign that turned the influencer model on its head.

The UEFA Europa League went rogue to get 18-24 year olds to change their view of the tournament. And it worked.


We were tasked with changing brand sentiment about UEFA Europa League in a disruptive way that will authentically engage the fans. 


Our HumanValues™ analysis revealed a number of values-based fan commonalities between the top 5 markets – adventure, visible success, exhilaration and speculation. These fans were thrill-seekers who love the unpredictability of the game and want to have their finger on the pulse of anything that’s new and a bit edgy.

the fearless solution

Our strategy was to disrupt football fans into reappraising the value of the UEL by taking people on a journey of discovery, to uncover the real and thrilling face of European football. When sentiment about the UEFA Europa League was at an all-time low, we took the conversation to the haters - challenging them on their perceptions and showing why the UEL is not to be underestimated.

We created a multi-channel content campaign UEFA Europa League Vs… with pairs of social influencers, united by their love of football but divided by their attitudes to UEL. Former influencers became converts after experiencing the excitement and unpredictability of the UEL, with this content becoming our campaign.


The Results


Video views


brand uplift across key markets (a new record for UEFA)

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